Kindred Heart Families, Inc will be holding our 7th Annual Back to School Bash.

We are inviting all Foster Children, Kinship Children, Grandchildren being raised by Grandparents, and Adoptive Families.

Join us August 17th at the former Immanuel Lutheran School at 1626 Illinois Avenue Sheboygan. As in the past, families will need to register on our website for a time slot, each time slot is limited to 10 families, when a time slot is full, we will remove it from the registration form. The time slots available are 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 3pm, and 4pm. The 11am and 11.30 time slots are reserved for new families.

Each registered child will receive a backpack full of the recommended school items, per items donated. This year we are hoping to have new shoes available for each registered child as well, but that will depend on the amount donated. 

We will also have some new clothing available on a limited basis. But all our regulars will be there… you will be able to select unlimited gently used clothing, shoes, toys, bedding and feeding items, bath, diapering items and more. We will be changing over our summer items for fall and winter for this giving event.

Volunteers… without volunteers we cannot bring you these giving events. And we love our Volunteers. If you can spare a bit of time, we are looking for volunteers for Friday August 18th from 4pm through 7pm. And Saturday August 17th from 11am to 3.30pm and 3.30pm to 5.30pm.  If you can help Kindred Heart Families during your Back to School Bash, please let us know on your registration form.

Kindred Heart Families Back to School Bash
August 17, 2024

Thank you to all those who love on and support our amazing families.

Kindred Heart Families could not provide the wonderful service we do without our donors, sponsors, and volunteers.

And thank you families for all that you do, and for letting Kindred Heart Families be a part of your adventure. 

Registration Deadline August 1st

Just a few reminders…

Kindred Heart Families sole mission to serve children in foster / kinship / adoptive families. To make sure that is the families we are serving, we request that only the assigned guardian(s) join us for our giving events. We ask that no friends or other family members, etc. join you and shop for their children. We understand that at times you may need some else to pick up during a giving event, please have that person preapproved prior to the event.

To be invited to Kindred Heart Families Fostering Holiday Cheer Event, your family must register for our Back-to-School event. Our Back-to-school event is for all your children, regardless of if they need a backpack, there is always a lot of amazing items available.

Our database is full of families that have not joined us at any events recently. At the end of the year, I will be going through our database and removing any family that has not visited Kindred Heart Families this year. We truly wish to service the foster / kinship / adoptive children in your care, we also don’t wish to bother you if you are not looking for service from us. Of course, if you wish to receive services again in the future, you will be able to reapply at any time.

We are having a lot of signups with no shows - there is a lot of work that goes into a giving event. Please, if you register for an event and can't make it for whatever reason, please let us know. If you register for our Back-to-School event and are a no show, your family will not be invited to our Fostering Holiday Cheer Christmas Giving Event.

We have had a lot of families arriving quite early before their registered time, while we understand your excitement, our giving events are very time restrictive, and we can only see 5 families per each quarter hour entry. We ask that if you wish to arrive early for your time slot that you keep it to a 5 minute early arrival, as there may be families that we are still processing through from the previous time slot. We are doing our best to serve as many foster/ kinship / adoptive children as personally possible in the most positive supportive environment as Kindred Heart Families can.

Kindred Heart Families relies solely on donations to bring these giving events to our foster families. At times we may see an abundance of certain sizes, items, etc. Please be patient with all our volunteers as they serve you with the amazing items that we do have. Also, if you do not register clothing or shoe size for your registered children, there will not be any of those items available for them.